Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ok so here we go!

So... today is Valentines day, and I'm starting to get in the hang of things. I was just browsin around on the web and came across some suitable pictures for the occasion that you should definitely check out.


and finally:

Well there is some festive spirit for all those in a state of bitter melancholy for lack of having that special someone beside them today. Like me.
But here's a little thought - someone mentioned it to me this week at College & Career - instead of worrying about having a date... try taking God on a date this Valentines day. I mean really, he's pretty much the coolest date anyone could have. Cept it might be pointless to bring him flowers, cause he kinda created them all anyways.

Anyways! I'm cutting this post off now, I'll through another one up here soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome to Lance.

So, I guess I just became a blogger. That's right. I don't intend on posting every minuscule detail of my life, along with my sinusoidal behaving emotions - as is common among most of today's bloggers. No, this will rather serve as a tool for me to document all of my work, experiences, and discoveries as I get "older". So if you've stumbled across this blog in hopes to undercover the deep mysterious underworkings of my psyche, you've gotta keep looking.

If you've got any comments - negative or positive - feel free to post. Can't guarantee that I'll read them, but I will do my best to keep updating the blog as often as possible.